
Tween Corner: Talking With Your Daughter About Her Period

By Harlisha Homer November 29, 2018

Let's face it... menstruation is a fact of life for every girl at some point. Tackling the issue before your child actually begins her period is necessary to avoid misinformation from her peers and for her own preparedness. Here are 8 tips from my own, non-expert experience.

  1. Have "the talk" early. According to KidsHealth, most girls, on average, begin their periods at age 12 or 13. Inevitably, the subject will come up among her peers. Do you want to be the one tell her about this rite of passage, or do you want it to be Abby from dance class that discusses it with your daughter? 
  2. Spread out your talk. Break up your talk into smaller talks. Your daughter may be overwhelmed by her changing body, and covering the entire puberty conversation - her changing body, hormones, etc. - at the same time could be too much for her.
  3. Teach her how to use feminine hygiene products. Just because you've had the talk doesn't mean she knows how to use a pad. Show her how to apply - and remove - the products, and how to properly dispose of them.
  4. Have backup. Equip your daughter with a "just in case" stash for school. Backups can easily be stored in a school locker or a discreet backpack pocket.
  5. Have a plan for the first period. The first period has no regard for timing. It could begin at home, at school, or on a road trip. In the event that she begins her period at school or away from home, have a plan. A visit to the school nurse or other trusted adult is a safe bet. Also, have a plan for accidents at school. Leaks happen.
  6. Remind her that everyone's body is different. Abby from dance class may have already begun, but that doesn't mean that doesn't rush your child's timetable. Remind your daughter that nature will take its course when ready.
  7. Let her know that her period will repeat monthly. Speaking from experience, inform your daughter that your period will repeat indefinitely. (My child thought that it was a one-time event.)
  8. Keep the conversation going. Be open to her questions and maintain an open-door conversation policy throughout the process.

A great resource for additional information is available here at